Friday, December 31, 2010

Bible Verse and Hymn for Friday 31 December

"Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

Yesterday in Genesis Chapter 2 we received more in depth information on the creation of mankind and how God created a partner for Adam.  Today in Chapter 3 we will read of the results of disobeying God.

Today's Key Verse: Genesis 3:9-10: "Then the Lord called to Adam and said to him, "Where are you?"  So he said, "I heard your voice in the Garden and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself."

Personal Application: Sin does have it's consequences.  Only when we flee TO God and NOT FROM Him can we find the help that He will provide.

The innocence  and harmony of God's perfect creation are shattered when Adam and Eve choose to disobey God and thus the fall of mankind.

The fall of man is God's explanation in the Scriptures for the sin and evil that mars our society, corrupt people and international relationships and that also dooms us to a biological and spiritual death.   In Genesis 3:1-6 we see what the impact of sin has on our relationship with God.  In these verses we see where Satan in the form of a serpent approached Eve and was crafty and cunning in placing the temptation to Eve.  For the first time we see Satan's craft of lying when he boldly told Eve that "you will not surely die." The serpent in saying this basically called God a liar.

In verse 6 Eve saw the tree was good for food because it was "pleasant to the eye".  These words imply that this was the first time Eve considered disobeying God's command.  We see "she took" which was the first step in disobedience to God and then "she ate" which was the final step of disobedience To God. 

Once she took that final step the world was changed because of sin.  Because she did not die when she ate she then gave to Adam and he ate as well.  Adam has no excuse at this point because he knew as well that that fruit was forbidden and he was there with Eve when she ate and then gave to him.  

After eating there eyes were opened and they realized that they were naked and they covered themselves with fig leaves.  In verse 8 the scene is pathetic and sad.  Here comes the Creator looking for walk and talk with Adam and Eve but they have hidden themselves from the Creator of the Universe.  What would have been a perfect, shameless fellowship with God has turned into a fear of God and the terror of being discovered in the wrong.  

God in his mercy did not destroy them immediately.  God's mercy reaches further that we usually believe or else we would all be destroyed.  The Lord knowing what had happened called out to them, "Where are you" Adam replies "I heard Your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself" (Did he realize, when he said this, that he could not hide from the Creator?) God then says to him, "How did you know that you are  naked?" Did you eat of the of the tree that I commanded you not to eat of?"  Then the blaming begins.  Adam who was there with Eve when she ate said to God, "The WOMAN WHOM You gave to be with me, SHE gave of the tree and I DID EAT."  Then God ask Eve "What is this that you have done?"  Eve then says "The SERPENT deceived me, and I ATE.

The Lord then turns to the serpent and brought judgment upon him first.  God would not excuse the woman for being deceived but He did bring the harsher judgment on the one who deceived her.  In this judgment on the serpent we see the first mention of a coming Messiah who would be the Lord Jesus Christ. 

God's judgment to the woman was that he would "greatly multiply her sorrow and her conception.  In pain she shall bring forth children; Her desire shall be for her husband, and he shall rule over her."  To Adam, God cursed the ground.  His life will be marked by toil, thorns, thistles and sweat and finally death.  With the word death here, we see that God's commandment to Adam "that the day that you eat of it you will surely die" comes to pass. 

In the final verses (21-24) Adam and Eve are exiled from the garden of Eden and God provides them with coverings of skin. This is the Scriptures first word of a forgiveness won through the shedding of blood. 

In closing Adam and Eve got what they wanted: an intimate knowledge of both good and evil.  They got it by doing what was wrong, and the results were disastrous.  Many people think that freedom means doing anything they want.  God says true freedom comes from obedience and knowing what not to do and then doing what is right.  The restrictions that He gives us are for our good, helping us to avoid evil.  We have the freedom to walk in front of a speeding car, but we don't, because we don't need to be hit to to realize it would be foolish to do so.  Don't listen to Satan's temptations.  Don't think you have to experience evil to learn more about life.

Tomorrow, God Willing, we will go into Chapters 4 and 5 of the Book of Genesis and see the first murder as recorded in Chapter 4.

All the railroad cars are empty, as they rattle down the tracks
In the newsroom no one watches, as machines type pointless facts
All the planes veer of their courses, no one sits at the controls
For the King of all ages, comes to claim eternal souls
Oh the King is coming, the King is coming
I just heard the trumpet sounding
And now His face I see, Oh the King is coming
The King is coming, Praise God He's coming for me

Heavenly Father,  As we read today, of how sin brought down the fall of mankind, we also read of the first promise from You, of the coming Messiah, Your Only Son that would come and bruise the head of the serpent thus opening the way for sinful man to come to you and be redeemed by the blood of Jesus.  Help us in our daily lives, to live our lives for You, and that in doing so we might sin against Thee.

"For the Lord your God is a merciful God, He will not forsake you nor destroy you, nor forget you, nor forget the covenant of your fathers which He swore to them.
                                                              Deuteronomy 4:31

May you have a God Filled and a Spirit Led Day and May God's Richest Blessings Be With All Of You.

Yours In Christ,

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bible Verse and Hymn for Thursday 30 December

"Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

Yesterday in the first Chapter of Genesis we saw the creation of the world we live on and the universe around us.  We read in the first 5 days of creation "that God saw that it was good."  In the last verse of Genesis 1 we read that when God created MAN that "God saw everything that He had made and INDEED it was VERY GOOD."

Today, in Chapter 2 of Genesis, we will see more in detail, the creation of Adan and Eve.

Today's Key Verse: Genesis 2:23: "And Adam said: "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; and she shall be woman, because she was taken out of man."  This verse would mean that women shares fully in all that man is.

Application: The needs of a marriage can be met only by the life long commitment that God intended marriage to be.

In the opening of Chapter 2 we see that God rests from His creative work.  God did not rest because of fatigue, but because of His accomplishments.  God is NEVER WEARY. By God's inactivity on the seventh day, He showed that He was satisfied with the work that He had done.

The start of verse 7 of Chapter 2 we now look in depth, at the creation of mankind.  We see how carefully God creates Eden in order for Adam to use those personalities that God shared with him such as a love for beauty, (verse 9), the pleasure of meaningful work (verse 15), moral responsibility (verses 16-17), and the ability to name the beast of the field and the birds of the air (verses 19-20).

In verse 20 we see that Adam did not have a helper comparable to him.  In verse 21 we see the first surgery, and God was the Surgeon.  God's method of taking a rib from Adam, teaches us that men and women share a common identity: that they are equals.  It means that neither are to walk behind the other or walk in front of the other, but to walk side by side, participating in God's gift of His IMAGE and LIKENESS.

God in creating Eve made her different, so that that a man and woman can bond together as husband and wife, to meet each other's needs for intimacy, lifelong commitment and support of each other. 

When Adam met Eve for the first time it was a shocking and exhilarating experience, because the match was perfect.  Standing before him was a mirror of himself, someone just like him, yet different.  Adam called her Woman. 

Adam was doing just as he had in naming the animals. The name he gave her, matched his own.  She was a woman, and he was a man thus perfectly suited for each other.   God even brought her to Adam and we have the first union of a man and a woman.  What a Loving and Caring God We Serve.

Genesis 2 ends with Adam and Eve being naked.  They were not ashamed, because they both only knew good.  They were comfortable in their physical bodies, their sexuality, there relationship and their work, with no wrongdoings.

Tomorrow we will see the Fall of Mankind and God's promise of a Savior.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for this study today, where we see your perfect creation of this universe, and the creating of a woman from the rib of Adam to be his partner.   May we always place you at the head of our marriages  and households and say as Josuha said, "As for me and my house we will serve the Lord."             

The market place is empty, no more traffic in the streets
All the builders tools are silent, no more time to harvest wheat
Busy housewives cease there labors, in the courtroon no debate
Work on earth is all suspended, as the King comes thru the gate
Oh the King is coming, the King is coming
I just heard the trumpet sounding
And now His face I see
Oh the King is coming, the King is coming
The King is coming, Praise God He is coming for me

"But I have trusted in Your mercy; My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.  I will sing to the Lord, because  He has dealt boundifully with me.
                                                               Psalm 13:5-6

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day and May God's Richest Blessings Be With You All.  

Yours In Christ

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bible Verse and Hymn for Wednesday 29 December

Greetings Everyone in the Name of Jesus Christ!!!!

The key people in the the first 11 Chapters of Genesis are:

Adam: The first man, whose disobedience corrupted the human race.
Eve: The first woman, whose temptation opened the door to sin.
Noah: The ark builder, whose obedience delivered his family.

Chapter 1 "The Creation"

Key verse: Genesis 1:27: "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God created him; male and female He created them"

Personal application: God shared His own image with us.

In the first verse of the first Chapter of Genesis we read: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." In that first verse we see that God exercised His creative power and, by merely speaking, brings the entire universe into being.  His main focus was on the planet earth where He carefully shapes it to support life and then He populates it with living creatures.

God then creates mankind in His own image and sets us to rule over His wonderful creation and lets us know that we as humans are the focus of His loving concern.

The main theme of this chapter is the revelation of God Himself.  He speaks, makes, separates, sets the sun, moon and stars in the heavens and blesses.  The earth is placed in a perfect distance and orbit from the sun so that we are not to close where we would burn and not so far away where we would freeze.  It makes you wonder how people can actually believe that there is no God.

He separates the day from the light where the greater light would give us light by day and the lesser lights would give us light by night. He sets in place the seasons.  He displays His love and unselfishness by sharing with us His likeness. 

In everything we are remind that God is a person who is vastly intelligent, but that He is also caring and warm.  The creation story like creation itself, reveals our God.

In the closing verse of Chapter 1, God evaluated each of the first 5 days of His creative work and called it "good" but the work of creating man is called "Very Good" (verse 31).

Tomorrow we will start Chapter 2 and see the Garden of Eden and  more on the creation of Adam and Eve.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for creating this planet we live on and the universe that surrounds us.  Thank you for the beauty of your creation and may we always remember that is was You that made everything that was made.

"Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."

                                                                   Genesis 1:26

Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise
When songs give way to sighing, when hope within me dies
I draw closer to him, from care He set me free
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know that He watches me
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know that He watches me
I sing because I'm Happy
I sing because  I'm Free
For His eyes is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day and May God's Richest Blessings Be With All Of You.

Yours In Christ

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Bible Verse and Hymn for Tuesday 28 December

"Greetings Everyone in the Name of Jesus Christ"

Today we begin an introduction and then in the upcoming days will take a tour into the first Book of God's Holy Word "Genesis".  

Genesis was the first of five books written by Moses in the Sinai Wilderness.  Moses whom God used to deliver His people from the land of Egypt and to the very edge of Canaan. There is no doubt that the scripture, and Christ Himself viewed Genesis and Moses' other books as God's Word and that they are accurate and reliable account of events that happened in his time. (see Matthew 19:4-6; John 8: 56-58; Romans 5: 12-15)

The first words that we read in the Genesis express the value of this Old Testament Book: "In the beginning".  Genesis takes us back beyond recorded history and unveils the orgin of the universe and the human race.  Genesis is not merely a beginning; it provides the foundation for the rest of the Biblical narrative.    The message of Genesis is that to understand who we are and where we came from, all start with God.

Genesis traces the Creation of the universe to a Loving and Personal God. It shows us as being unique and special creations of God.  It tells us about sin and evil. It  reaffirms mans moral responsibility and sets in motion the foundation for redemption.

Genesis explains how the nation of Israel came about.  That they were a chosen by God to be blessing to the whole world.  That the promises made to Abraham, are evidence that God has a purpose for us, and is working out that purpose in His time frame.

Genesis sets in motion the understanding of all Scripture.  God is the Great I AM, that God cares about us, that God must and will judge sin but, God has also a plan that will bring sinners back to Him.  With the call of Abraham, God revealed the wonders of His endless and redeeming love.

Tomorrow we will start with Genesis Chapter 1 "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth".

Let not your heart be troubled, His tender word I hear
And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears
Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me
I sing because I'm Happy
I sing because I'm Free
For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me

Heavenly Father, How thankful we are that we have a Loving, Caring and Gracious God.  That we serve a God who is in total control and that all things are going according to Your plan and time frame.  May be continue to Praise and Glorify Your Holy Name until you take us home to spend all eternity with you.

Today's Bible Verse: Galatians 5:22-25 

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, faithfulness, self control.  And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passion and desires.  If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit"

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day.  Keep your eyes fixed fixed upon Jesus.

Yours In Christ

Monday, December 27, 2010

Bible Verse and Hymn for Monday 27 December

"Good Morning Everyone in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

                                                                  Genesis 1:1

In the opening Chapter, in the Book of Genesis we read "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."  The Book of Genesis gives us more than an account of creation.  It also describes other beginnings.  The fall of humanity into sin and the beginning of God's plan to rescue us from our sins.

The first 11 Chapters tell us about creation, sin, judgment, languages, races and marriage.  In Chapter 12 we see the main topic in the Book of Genesis and that is God's sovereign call to Abram and Sarai and the beginning of God's chosen people.

In the next several days we will take a tour through the Book of Genesis and we will see that even in the beginning of creation, as God created Adam and Eve He was already working on a plan to save us from our sins. 

What a wonderful, Loving, Caring and Gracious God we serve.  He loved us so much that all through the Old Testament we are told of the promise of a coming Messiah that would come and save His people from there sins.  Jesus was the fulfillment of that promise. 

So please come with me as we take the next few days to talk about God's wonderful creation and God's plan to bless all nations through Abraham's descendant's and how God chose to begin His plan of redemption for the entire world through them.

Why should I be discouraged, why should the shadows come
Why should my heart be lonely and long for heaven and home
When Jesus is my portion, my constant friend is He
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know that He watches me
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know that He watches me
I sing because I'm happy, I sing because I'm free
For His eye is on the sparrow, and I know that He watches me

Heavenly Father, We are so thankful, that you knew even before you created the universe, and this planet we live on, that Jesus, your only Son, would have to become the sacrificial lamp, on the cross of Calvary for our sins.  You are an all loving, all caring, and all gracious God and we love You and Worship Your most Holy Name.

"Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed, to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus"
                                                                Romans 3:24-26

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day and seek God in all that you do.

Yours in Christ

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bible Verse and Hymn for Sunday 26 December

"Hello Everyone in the name of Jesus Christ Our Lord "

I hope, that all of you had a very wonderful Christmas, and that each day will be Christmas in your life, because of the reason we celebrate the season, the Birth of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  The name, which is above every name, and which everyone, will confess before the Father, that Jesus Christ is the Son of God"

"So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up.  And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.  And He was handed the book of the prophet Isaiah.  And when he had opened the book, He found the place where it was written:

"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
Because He anointed Me
To preach the gospel to the poor;
He has send me to heal the brokenhearted,
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to the blind,
To set at liberty those who are oppressed;
To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord."

                                    Luke 4:18-19

Jesus, which was as his custom, was at the synagogue on the Sabbath.  He was handed the book of Isaiah, and as He opened the book, He went to Isiah 61 and read verses 1 and 2.

Jesus, by citing these verses was claiming to be a royal figure, and to have a prophetic mission.  Jesus healed the brokenhearted, Jesus proclaimed liberty to the captives, Jesus gave sight to the blind and Jesus set at liberty the oppressed. 

Jesus proclaimed the acceptable year of the Lord is now and offers a total cancellation of spiritual debt and a new beginning to those who come to him asking Him to forgive them of there sins.  Jesus said that He is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE and NO ONE comes to the FATHER but THROUGH HIM.

It is interesting to note that Jesus closed the book in the middle  of the sentence of Isiah 61:2 because the next portion of that scripture said "the day of vengeance of our God" was not being fulfilled then.

Jesus said in verse 18: "He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted"  We as humans may have said something or done something that was hurtful to someones heart.  Perhaps is was a spouse, a family member, a co-worker  or perhaps a friend. Sometimes the hurt doesn't heal quickly.  There might be times when you recover and times when that hurt will never go away.  In every situation if you turn to Christ you will find that "He heals the Brokenhearted."  We as Christians need to take your hurts to the Lord and forgive the one who may have hurt us.

Heavenly Father, Thank you for your son Jesus who can heal our broken hearts and set our minds free from the hurt that is within our hearts.  Thank you for setting us free from the oppression of sin.

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming
With glowing hearts by His candle stand
O'er the world a star is sweetly gleaming
Now come the wise men from out of the Orient land
The King of Kings lay thus lowly manger
In all our trails born to be our friend
He knows our need, our weakness is no stranger
Behold your King! Before Him lowly bend
Behold your King! Before Him lowly bend

"He heals the brokenhearted, and binds up there wounds"

                                                    Psalm 147:3

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day

Yours In Christ


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Bible Verse and Hymn for Saturday 25 December

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!  Today is such a glorious day in which we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ which is the reason we as Christians love this time of year.

"Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and lineage of David, to be registered with Mary, his betrothed wife who was with child. So it was, that while they were there, the days were completed for her to be delivered.  And she brought forth her firstborn Son, and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night.  And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid.  Then the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.  For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.  And this will be the sign to you: You will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger."  And suddenly there was the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: 

"Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!"                                
                                                           Luke 2: 7-14

Mary wrapped her newborn son in swaddling cloths which were strips of cloth wrapped around a baby to keep its arms and legs straight.  The phrase firstborn son would imply that Mary would have other children.  The manger was more than likely a feeding trough for animals.  Our Savior was born in a stable or in a cave that served as one.  The shepherds that keep watch at night did so to protect there sheep from robbers and wild animals, and were the first to see the new born King.  The Glory of God shone around them was evidence of God's majestic presence which will later be associated with Jesus.  The Glory of God was as the appearance of light in the midst of darkness.  Then a choir of angels appeared giving praise to God  and good will toward men that would come to those who would welcome God's on Son.

Wow!!!  What a sight that must have been.  I mentioned to my sister Robin, that I could have loved to have been there to see the angelic host as they appeared to the shepherds and she replied to me, "Cindi some day we will see the heavens open and see Jesus in the sky coming to take us home."  She was so right.  What a Glorious day that will be.

O holy night, the stars are brightly shining
It is the night of the dear Saviors birth
Long lay the world in sin and error pining
Till He appeared and the Spirit felt its worth
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn
Fall on your knees oh hear the angels voices
O night Divine, the night when Christ was born
O night, o holy night, o night Divine
O night, o holy night, o night Divine

Heavenly Father, As we, as Christians come to celebrate the birth of your only Son Jesus, we thank you, with never ending praise, for the love that you have for us, that you sent your Son, your only Son, to become the sacrificial lamp for us upon the cross of Calvary.  May we not only celebrate the birth of Jesus  today but throughout the year.

"And she shall bring forth a Son , and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins"
                                                                 Matthew 1:21

May you have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day on this the most important day in the history of mankind.  

Yours In Christ

Friday, December 24, 2010

Bible Verse and Hymn for Friday 24 December

Good Morning Everyone!!!  It is a beautiful day here in the desert.  The sun is brightly shining and the snow glistens from the light of the sun on the mountains.

Can you point to a day or days in your life that something happened that changed everything for you, a day or days in which nothing would ever be the same again?

Some of us are "taken" aback by a phone call, or a knock on the door, or a letter arriving in the mailbox, or maybe an appointment with a doctor or lawyer that may change there life's forever.

The day that changed my life forever, was at 11:45 p.m. on July 11th of this year, for that was the day that I gave my life, and my all, to Jesus Christ as my Savior.  I was, up to that point, under the ice berg of life, and I was drowning, but on that day when I gave everything to Christ, the ice berg of my life was inverted, and I was now on the top of it, basking in God's Love, Grace and Light.  What an eye opening experience it was was me, to now have Christ living in me, and to know, that He will never leave, nor forsake me.  To know, that no matter what trails and storms I will face, He will be there with me, and carry me through them.

Can you, find even the smallest diamond, in the trails and storms of your life?  It has been said , "Praising God for our blessings extends them, and Praising God for our troubles ends them."  Wow!!! Can you make such a statement in your life?

Look your difficulties straight in the eye my friends, and then lift loud, glorious, praise to the throne of the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, who's Grace and Love, endures forever.

Today, instead of the words to a hymn, I would like to share this Christmas Eve poem, that I hope you will enjoy, as much as I do.

                            "Footprints in the Snow"

                 One white and wintry Christmas Eve
                 in a village long ago
                 A young child took a journey,
                 leaving footprints n the snow.
                 Clutched within her tiny hand
                 she carried a small tattered heart,
                 Fashioned from scraps of cloth,
                 wrapped in the charm of childlike art.

                A manger scene of wood and straw
                was the child's destination.
                Her only Christmas wish,
                to join Christ's birthday celebration.
                She placed her precious handmade gift
                upon the straw with care,
                And before she turned to leave,
                she said a little prayer.

                The villagers who stood nearby,
                recall that night with awe,
                Retelling every detail
                of the miracle they saw...
                A second set of footprints
                appeared next to the girl's own.
                They seemed to walk right by her side,
                to see her safely home.

                But there's no mystery in the presence
                of this unseen friend----
                For once God's touched your heart,
                You'll never walk alone again.

Heavenly Father, May be have the faith, and belief, as a small child, that in so doing so, we will place our complete trust in you.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.  Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it".
                                                          Mark 10:14-15

Have a God Filled and a Spirit Led Day

Yours in Christ

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Bible Verse and Hymn for Thursday 23 December

Hello Everyone!!!!  May you Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow.

The word confess conveys two distinct meanings.  The first is related to the offering of Thanksgiving or Praise to God.

"Indeed it came to pass, when the trumpeters and singers were as one, to make one sound to be heard in praising and thanking the Lord, and when they lifted up their voice with the trumpets and cymbals and instruments of music, and praised the Lord, saying: For He is good, For His mercy endures forever," that the house of the Lord, was filled with a cloud"
                                                                 2 Chronicles 5:13

"It is good to gives thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to Your name, O Most High"
                                                                 Psalm 92:1

"Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from among the Gentiles, To give thanks to Your Holy Name, to triumph in Your praise"
                                                                 Psalm 106: 47

The second is that of confession of God's greatness and the confession of sin before God.

"When your people Israel are defeated before an enemy because they have sinned against You, and when they turn back to You and confess Your name, and pray and make supplication to you in the temple, then hear in heaven, and forgive the sin of Your people Israel, and bring them back to the land which You gave to their fathers"
                                                                   1 Kings 8:33-34

"That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation
                                                                   Romans 10:9-10

Confession is the casting off of sin by acknowledging our transgressions of God's commandments for holy living.

"I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I have not hidden.  I said, "I will confess my transgressions to the Lord", and You forgave the iniquity of my sin"
                                                                  Psalm 32:5

In closing, the forgiveness of sin is accomplished only one way and that is by the grace and goodness of God.

"If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we CONFESS our sins, HE IS faithful and just to FORGIVE US our SINS and to CLEANSE US from ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS"
                                                                 1 John 8:8-9

For lo the days are hasting on
By prophets seen of old
When the ever-circling years
Shall come the time foretold
When peace shall come over all the earth
It's ancient splendors fulling
And the whole world would send back the song
which now the angels sing

"Seeing that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.  For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weakness, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.  Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help us in time of need" (Wow!!! What a Promise)

                                                             Hebrews 4: 14-16   

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day

Yours In Christ


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bible Verse and Hymn for Wednesday 22 December

Good Morning Everyone!!!!  It's another day of life, that God has given me that I might worship and praise His most Holiest of Names.

Today, I would like to talk about, the Book of Proverbs.  All of us know of the value of good advice. Listening to those who are wiser that we are are, gives us the benefit of their hard won experience.  Growing up, getting along with others, and holding a job, all would be impossible without guidance from people who have been there before.  The Book of Proverbs gives us that kind of help.

The Book of Proverbs, passes on a core of knowledge, and experience that God says, we must have if we are to live successfully.  These sayings, are universal principles, that apply to all of us, at all times.  They speak about the problems in the time of Solomon, as well as modern times, because they concern human nature, and God's ways.  The human nature has not changed since Solomon's time, and neither has God's nature changed.  

The purpose of this book is to give us a course of instruction in wisdom, preparation for life, and the ways of life in God's world.  The words "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7) sets the record straight and this will be the foundation on which all other sayings stand.  The main theme of the Book of Proverbs is: Fear of the Lord motivates us to obey God's commandments, and that obedience to them brings true wisdom. 

"For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He is a shield to those who walk uprightly.
                                                            Proverbs 2:6-7

"Happy is the man who finds wisdom, and the man who gains understanding" 
                                                            Proverbs 3:13

"For whoever finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the Lord; But he who sins against me wrongs his own soul; All those who hate me love death"
                                                            Proverbs 8:35-36

"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise"
                                                            Proverbs 11:30

"Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall"
                                                            Proverbs 16:18

"He who fines a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the Lord"
                                                            Proverbs 18:22

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised"
                                                            Proverbs 31:30

Ye beneath life's crushing load,
Whose forms are bending low
Who toil along the climbing way
with painful steps and slow
Look now for glad and golden hours
come swiftly on the wing
O rest beside the weary road
And hear the angels sing

Heavenly Father, Thank you the wisdom and guidance, that you give to us.  Thank You for this Book of Proverbs, that teaches us that the Fear of the Lord, motivates us to obey God's commandments, and obedience to them provides us with true wisdom.

" A man's steps are of the Lord; How then can a man understand his own way?"
                                                     Proverbs 20:24   

Have a God Filled and a Spirit Led Day

Yours In Christ

"The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the heart"
                                                     Proverbs 17:3       

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Bible Verse and Hymn for Wednesday 21 December

Good Morning Everyone!!!!  All Praise and Glory to Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Today's Bible Verse: John 1:1-5

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.  In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.  And the light shines in darkness, and darkness did not overcome it".

In Genesis 1:1 we see "In the beginning", which starts the creation of this universe, and the creation of humanity.  In John 1:1 of  today's Bible Verse, we see that the "Word was with God", which would suggest a  face to face relationship.  That would also mean, the "Word" not only indicates a personal relationship, but would imply equal status.

The "Word", Jesus Christ Himself, is an active member in communication with the Father.  This then, is a declaration of Christ's deity, since John uses "Word" to refer to Jesus.  

In 1:2 neither the Person of Christ, nor his Sonship, come into being at this point.  Instead the Father, and the Son, have always been in a loving fellowship with one another.

In 1:3 we see that all things was made through Him.  God the Father, created the world through God the Son.  All creation was made through Him. 

In 1:4 it is interesting to note that "Life", is not said to have been created, but "Life" existed in Christ.  We as humans, are dependent on God for life.  Our existence, spiritually and physically, depend on God's sustaining power.  The Son has life in Himself , from all eternity.  The "Life", Jesus Christ is the light of men.  As the light, Jesus reveals both sin, and God to us.  Further reading into John's gospel, Jesus will say, that "He" is both the "Life" (11:25) and the "Light" (8:12). Death and darkness will flee when Jesus, the "Life" and "Light" enters into our hearts. 

 In 1:5 we see that Christ, entered this dark world to give it "Spiritual Light".  Satan and his forces, resist the light, but they CANNOT STOP its power.  In Jesus, we have the "Life", and the "Light", and when we accept Him , we become sons of the light.  As the creation of light, was the beginning of the creation, so then when we as believers, receive the "Light", we then, become part of the new creation.   

Hail the heaven-born Prince of Peace
Hail the sun of righteousness
Light and Life to all He brings
risen with healing in His wings
Mild He lays His glory by
Born to raise us from the earth
Born to give us a second birth
Hark! the herald angels sing
"Glory to the new born King"

Heavenly Father,  Thank you for giving us the Life, and Light, through Jesus Christ Your Son.  May our life's, so shine for You, that others will see Your, light in us.

"The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear
  The Lord is the strength of My Life; of whom shall I be    
                                                                  Psalms 27:1

"For whoever finds me finds life, and obtains favor from the 
                                                                   Proverbs 8:35

Have a God Filled and a Spirit Led Day

Yours in Christ

Monday, December 20, 2010

Daily Bible Verse and Hymn for Monday 20 December

Good Morning Everyone!!!!

For the past 11 days I did a series on the Old Testament Predictions and the New Testament Fulfillment's of the birth of Jesus.  The prophecies that was discussed was The Messiah would be the seed of a woman, The Messiah would be a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, and David, The Messiah would be anointed and eternal, The Messiah would be born in Bethlehem, The Messiah would be born of a virgin, The Messiah's birth would trigger a slaughter of children. The Messiah would also come from Egypt. 

In studying the Bible I learn more and more about God.  I learn that God is Loving, Caring, Faithful, and Wonderful.  I have learned that the Old Testament statements that the Messiah (Jesus Christ) will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace is true because He is all that to me in my life. 

I am thankful that that God promises that when we accept Him into our life's that He will send His Holy Spirit into our life's to help us in our daily walk with Him.  I am thankful that In His Word He tells us that He will be with us in our trails and tribulations and that is a most comforting thought.

In His Word he tells us that He goes to prepare a place for us and that if He goes to prepare a place for us He will come again.  He is building us a mansion.  Wow!!!  My Lord and Savior is building us who believe in Him a Mansion where we will walk the streets of gold.  How do I know this? Because He told me in His Word and He lives within my heart.  

Jesus knocks on your hearts door asking to come in.  Will you let Him in so that He can go build your mansion today?  Jesus loves you and as it says in His Word "Jesus is the same Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.  What a friend we have in Jesus.

After the Holiday's the next topic that we will look at will be the Major Bible Themes.  They will include Faithfulness, Love, Justice, Judgment, Mercy, Truth, Holiness, and Missions.  I am looking forward to starting the New Year with these Themes.

Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask thee to stay
Close by me forever, and love me I pray
Bless all the dear children, in thy tender care
And fit us for heaven to live with Thee there

Heavenly Father, Thank you for the Bible your Holy Word.  Thank you for the words contained in it that tell us of your love, your mercy and your grace.  Thank you for your Son Jesus whom You gave to us on that starry night in Bethlehem that would take away the sins of the world.

"My little children, these things I write to you, so that you might not sin.  And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.  And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.
                                                             1 John 2:1-2

Have a God Filled and a Spirit Led Day

Yours In Christ

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Daily Bible Verse and Hymn for Sunday 19 December

Good Morning Everyone!!!!

It's another great day to arise and to worship and praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

Today is Day 11 the final day in the Series on the Old Testament Predictions of the birth of Jesus and the New Testament Fulfillments.

Prophecy: The Messiah would also come from Egypt.

Old Testament Prediction: Hosea 11:1:"When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son".

Meaning: The Lord regarded Israel as His son, and treated the nation with special care, delivering the people from bondage in Egypt.  So as the Lord delivered the nation of Israel out of bondage from Egypt, so he Call His Son Jesus, back from the land of Egypt, upon the death of King Herod, who had sought to kill him. 

New Testament Fulfillment: Matthew 2:14-15:"When he arose, he took the young Child and His mother by night and departed to Egypt, and was there until the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled by the prophet, saying, "Out of Egypt I called My Son".  

Meaning: The prophecy quoted in verse 15 is from Hosea 11:1.  It refered to the nation of Israel as God's son coming out of Egypt in the Exodus.  Jesus is the genuine Son Of God and, as Israel's Messiah, is the true Israel.  Therefore Jesus gives the fuller meaning to the prophecy of Hosea and thus another Old Testament prediction was fulfilled in the New Testament with the birth of Jesus. 

The cattle are lowering, the baby awakes
The little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes
I love thee Lord Jesus, look down from the sky
And stay at my cradle, till morning is nigh

Heavenly Father,  How thankful we are that You stand with us everyday, and when on those days, the storms of this life toss us around,  it it a comforting thought to know, that You carry us, and that You keep our feet on solid ground. 

"Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path"
                                                                      Psalm 119:105

Have a God Filled and a Spirit Led Day

Yours In Christ


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bible Verse and Hymn for Saturday 18 December

Good Morning Everyone!!!!!

Well God has blessed us today with His liquid sunshine.  His rain which provides water for us to drink, that waters the flowers and plants, that cleans the air that we breath.  It is also a reminder to me that even in the storms of my life God is still in charge and that He is the Sunshine of my Life.

Today is Day 10 in the series of the Old Testament Predictions of the birth of Christ and the New Testament Fulfillment.

Prophecy: The Messiah's birth would trigger a slaughter of children.

Old Testament Prediction: Jeremiah 31:15- "Thus says the Lord: "A voice was heard in Ramah, Lamentation and weeping, for her children, Refusing to be comforted for her children, Because they are no more."

Meaning: In this verse Rachel is seen weeping for her children as they are led away to Babylon.  In the slaughter of the male infants at the time of Christ's birth, Rachel once again is pictured as mourning the the violent loss of her sons.

New Testament Fulfilment: Matthew 2:13,16-17: "Now when they had departed. behold an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, "Arise take the young Child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.  Then Herod, when he saw that he was deceived by the wise men, was exceedingly angry and he sent forth and put to death all the male children who were in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the wise men.

Meaning: When the wise men came to see the new born babe they had visited Herod and they told him about the King of the Jews, Herod instructed them that when they had found the Child to come back and let him know so that he could go and worship the Child as well.  An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and told Joseph to take the young Child and His mother and go to the land of Egypt because Herod was going to seek to destroy Him.  When Herod found out the wise men had taken a deceived him he send out his soldiers to kill all infants 2 years and under.  In verse 18 of this Chapter the fulfillment to Jeremiah 31:15 was fulfilled.

Mary, did you know
That your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary, did you know
That you baby boy will one day rule the nations?
Did you know
That your baby boy is Heaven's perfect lamb
The sleeping Child you are holding
Is the Great I am

Oh Mary did you know?

Heavenly Father, We are so thankful that the predictions in the Old Testament about your Son was fulfilled in the New Testament with the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord.  Thank you for Jesus Who Is the Great I Am.

"How sweet are Your words to my taste, Sweeter than honey to my mouth"
                                                                 Psalms 119:103

Have a God Filled and a Spirit Led Day

Yours in Christ

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Daily Bible Verse and Hymn for Friday 17 December

"Good Morning Everyone!!!!

Today is Day 9 in the series of the Old Testament prediction of the birth of Jesus and the New Testament fulfillment.

Prophecy: The Messiah would be born of a virgin

Old Testament Prediction: Isaiah 7:14 :"Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel".

Meaning: The word "Lord" speaks of the sovereignty of God of His great control over all His creation.  The word "Himself" adds an absolute certainty to the impending sign.  "The Virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel".  

New Testament Fulfillment: Luke 1:26,27,30,31: "Now in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was send by God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David.  The Virgin's name was Mary.  Then the angel of the Lord said to her. "Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God and behold you shall conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus"

Meaning: The sixth month means the sixth month of Elizabeth's pregnancy with John the Baptist.  Nazareth is a little village north of Jerusalem.  Mary was blessed because she received God's grace. Mary was the virgin as mentioned in Isaiah 7:14. The birth of Jesus was the sign of God's salvation.  His name would be Immanuel "God With Us" because Jesus was the Son of God and he lived among us.  According to these verses in Luke, Isaiah's prophecy had no fulfillment prior to the birth of Jesus. 

Mary, did you know
The blind will see, the deaf will hear
And the dead will live again
The lame will leap, the dumb will speak
The praises of the lamb

Heavenly Father, How thankful we are that Jesus is the Great Immanuel and that He lives among us.  Thank you for the Old Testament Prophets that fore told of the coming of the Messiah which would become our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

"The voice of the Lord is powerful; The voice of the Lord is full of Majesty"
                                                Psalm 29:4

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day.

Yours In Christ