Thursday, September 25, 2014

Bible Scripture Reading

Today's Blog Title: "The Command To Build God's House"
Today' Blog Scripture Reading: Haggai 1:1-15
Today's Blog Key Verse: Haggai 1:7-8 "Thus says the LORD of hosts" "Consider your ways! Go up to the mountains and bring wood and build the temple, that I may take pleasure in it and be glorify," says the LORD."

"Zerubbabel and Joshua" Verse 1: Ezra 2:2 identifies Zerubbabel as the individual who led the exiles back to Judah.  He a member of the royal family of David.  Joshua the high priest is mentioned in both Ezra 3:2,8 and Nehemiah 12:1,8.  He held the highest priestly rank.   It is significant that the two most influential leaders in Judah, responded so quickly to the prophets message.  When leaders respond quickly to God, is much easier for the believing community to follow.  

"The time has not come" Verse 2: The people had decided that rebuilding the Lord's dwelling among His people was not important.  How modern an objection! Sorry, "there just isn't enough time right now for PRAYER."  "I'd like to read my Bible, but I have to get up EARLY for WORK." "I'm too TIRED to do ANYTHING but COLLAPSE and read the news."  The people of Judah were also busy with their own AFFAIRS to have TIME or MONEY to INVEST in rebuilding the temple of God.  As a result they LOST OUT!

"Elaborate homes" Verse 4:  The principle building material in Jerusalem was stone.  Those who wanted to make their "houses" elaborate installed wood panels.  The people of Haggai's time were making their homes elegant, rivaling royal residences and the holy temple itself.  But they STILL did not FEEL that the "time was right" to begin WORKING on the renewed temple.  While this verse is not a blanket condemnation of elegant living among God's people, it certainly calls for a re-evaluation of priorities.

"Consider your ways" Verses 5-6: What a series of images in these two verses.  Their point is so clear.  The harder the people of Judah worked, the further behind they got!  Compare also verses 10-11.  There is a lesson here for us today.  God is the one who makes any EFFORT BEAR FRUIT.  We NEED to PUT God FIRST.  When we DO, the Lord will BLESS us.

"That I may take pleasure in it" Verse 8:  The people were instructed to go to great lengths to get "wood" for paneling the temple of the Lord, verse 4.  "That I may take pleasure in it," means that God's JOY in the temple is related to His PLEASURE in the people who would WORSHIP Him there.  "Be GLORIFIED," clearly means that God does not need to receive more glory, Psalms 24:7-10, however, He gladly receives the adoration of His people.

"Runs to his own house" Verse 9:  Because of their preoccupation with personal comfort, the people were IGNORING the central spiritual concerns of their LIVES.  Their FAULTY principle of life was being SHAKEN by the Lord.  Jesus would later PROCLAIM the TRUE and ABIDING principle for the LIFE of FAITH: "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you," Matthew 6:33 

In Verse 10the BLESSING and CURSING formula of the Lord's Covenant with His people comes into play, Deuteronomy 28.  "Dew" is a poetic way of speaking of "rainfall."

"The remnant of the people" Verse 12:  The remnant of the people were literally those who made the trek back to Judah from their place of captivity in Babylon; it also refers to those with a larger population who are FAITHFUL to the Lord.

"I am with you" Verse 13: What a message from the Lord! Despite the fact that you've ignored Me, I'm on your side.  Don't misunderstand the troubles you've had, I'm on you side. God so often must overlook our failures and on our part, we MUST learn to interpret our disappointments as CORRECTIVE of GUIDING events.  We must NEVER FORGET that God is on our SIDE.  In Haggai's day, that meant TRUSTING God enough to leave each individual's personal pursuits to rebuild the temple.  In our day, that means you and I TRUST God enough to GIVE His Word, and His Work, our DAILY PRIORITY.

Verse 14, bears witness to the work of God's Spirit on the human "spirit" of His leaders and His people to ACCOMPLISH His tasks.  It is reminiscent of God's work in stirring up the people to BUILT the original tabernacle, Exodus 35:29, 36:2.  ALWAYS within Israel a remnant existed.  Paul stated there was such a remnant in Elijah's time, Romans 11:2-4 and then compare 1st Kings 19:18.

Click on this link at for a Bible Verse Writing from 1st John 4:9-11.

Your Sister in Christ,


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Bible Scripture Reading

Today's Blog Title: "Introduction to the Book of Haggai"


The Book of Haggai is the 10th of the 12 Minor prophets and is the first of three postexilic prophets who ministered in Judah to the tiny community established after the Jews were permitted to return to their homeland.  Haggai, appears briefly in Judah to accomplish a specific mission.  His carefully dated messages or sermons, focus our attention on a four month period in 520 B.C., when Haggai called God's people to complete rebuilding of God's temple, which was began 18 years before.

Haggai's message has nothing in common with the prophets who cried out in Israel before the Assyrians crushed the Northern kingdom in 722 B.C. and before the Babylonians invaded and destroyed Judah.  he says nothing if idolatry, nothing of injustice or violence.  Instead Haggai simply urges the people of Judah to put God first and to demonstrate their commitment by finishing the construction of the temple.

There is another important difference, the words of the former prophets were largely ignored by God's people and led to a national disaster and captivity.  But Haggai's words were heard, and the whole community rallied to the task.  A new, though much smaller temple rose on the site of Solomon's magnificent building.  God was to be put first, and His worship was to be celebrated again in a house dedicated to his Name.


Little is known of the prophet Haggai except what is in the Book that bears his name.  Haggai is mentioned by Ezra in Ezra 5:1 and 6:14 and by Zechariah 8:9.  The name Haggai means "Festival" which is an appropriate meaning given the prophets work in restoring temple worship.  But what is most remarkable about Haggai's ministry is its brevity for his messages were given in a span of only 4 months in 520 B.C. 


I. The First Message: A message of motivation  Haggai 1:1-15
    A. The circumstances of the message Haggai 1:1
    B. The content of the message Haggai 1:2-15
         1. The need to rebuild the House of the Lord Haggai 1:2-6
         2. The Commission to Rebuilt Haggai 1:7-11
         3. The compliance to rebuild Haggai 1:12-15

II. The Second Message: A message of consolation Haggai 2:1-9
      A. The circumstances of the message Haggai 2:1-2
      B. The content of the message Haggai 2:3-9
           1. The question Haggai 2:3
           2. The encouragement 2:4-9

Click on this link at for a Blog Writing from Romans 5:19. 

Jesus Reigns, and He Is, has Been and ALWAYS Will be in Complete and Total Control!!! May God's Peace, Strength, Love and Grace be with you all.  May we as Christians reach to heaven with one hand and with the other reach out to the lost, in this dark, sinful, and dying world.  May we as John at the close of the Book of Revelation say, "Come, Lord Jesus, Come."

Your Sister In Christ,


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Bible Scripture Reading

"Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for 16 September 2014, from Cindi, a daughter of the King of kings and Lord of lords."

Today's Blog Title: "Joy In God's Faithfulness"
Today's Blog Scripture Reading: Zephaniah 3:1-20
Today's Blog Key Verse: Zephaniah 3:17 "The LORD your God in your midst, the Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quite you with his love, He will rejoice over you with singing."

"Oppressors, Rebellious, and Polluted" in verse 1,  is tragic in view of God's intention that His people of every age should reflect His character and so represent him to the world.  But we should not be so scornful of ancient Israel. Instead, we need to ask how well we represent the Lord TODAY.  Are we as individuals, Caring, Sensitive, Honest, Fair, and Responsive to the needs of others?  As a church, do we stand for both JUSTICE and MERCY as we demonstrate God's Compassion for ALL?  Are we serious about influencing our society toward what is godly and righteous? 

We as God's Children, of every age, need to live by the highest possible standards.  Representing God in our world, calls for more than not just doing wrong, it calls for us to actively do good and right.

The "princes, judges, prophets, and priests" from verses 1-4, whom God had especially designated to work for righteousness, were "more wicked" than the "regular" citizens of Jerusalem.  These leaders were destroying and defrauding the WEAK, the NEEDY, and the HELPLESS.

"The LORD is righteous  in her midst," in verse 5,  means that the Lord is among His people even when they fall terribly short.  In verses 5-7, because God is "absolutely RIGHTEOUS" God had no place in the midst of such an evil people.  "I have cut off nations," means that God's punishment of Judah's neighbors should have brought the people of Israel to their senses, and those who do not accept correction, invite more severe punishment.

"The fire of my jealousy" in verse 8, means that God's response to the wickedness of Jerusalem was to declare His judgment.  He would us other nations to punish the city for its rebellion.

"For then I will restore to the people a pure language," in verse 9, means that the most severe punishment imaginable which God had just announced in verse 8, will NOT prevent Him from doing His people good in the end.  But first God must "take away from among your midst those who rejoice in their pride," verse 11.

In verses 14-17, we see the JOY in God's FAITHFULNESS.  The people of God would be called to SING because their DELIVERANCE had come.  daughter of Zion in verse 14, is an affectionate title for the city of Jerusalem.  "In that day," in verse 16, means that people are commanded to abstain from fear, to keep from hanging heir arms in a posture of resignation.  Instead, they were to take ENCOURAGEMENT and STRENGTH from the reality that their God lived among them.

"Those who sorrow" in verse 18, means that God is going to make all things right.  Those who are enemies of God's TRUTH will be gathered and removed, those who are disenfranchised, God will RESTORE.

"I will give you fame and praise" in verse 20 means that through Zephaniah, God tells His Old Testament people, that despite the failure of that generation, the future for the chosen people will be bright.  He says the same thing to us today. Yes, God disciplines us when we sin.  Yet in the future we too will be purified, transformed and blessed.

"I will give you fame and praise" also reminds us that ALL that we will ultimately receive is a gift.  Our TRANSFORMATION and our HAPPY FUTURE are expressions of God's GRACE, not rewards earned by our own merit.  The closing words of Zephaniah in verse 20, "Says the LORD" is a solemn vow of God to do what He has PROMISED.  Zephaniah begins and ends with the strong assertion that the Lord is speaking and the implication is clear, "Listen and live," and because God is GRACIOUS we as Christians can say with CONFIDENCE, "Heaven is MINE."

Click on this link at www.cindi

Jesus Reigns, and He is, has Been, and ALWAYS Will Be in Complete and Total Control!!! May God's Peace, Love, Strength, and Grace be with you all.  May we as Christians reach to heaven with one hand, and with the other reach out to the lost and dying of this dark and sinful world. May we like John at the close of the Book of Revelation say, "Come, Lord Jesus, Come."

Your Sister In Christ,