Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bible Scripture Redaing

"Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for 20 August 2012"

Today's Bog Title: "Esther's Banquet"
Today's Blog Scripture Reading: Esther 5:1-14
Today's Blogs Key Verse: Esther 5:3 "then the king said to her, "What do you wish, Queen Esther?  What is your request?  It shall be given to you--up to half the kingdom!"

We see that Esther dresses in her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king's palace.  Here again we see the providence of God which was demonstrated by the king's response of his approval of Esther's presence by his holding out the golden scepter to her.

It certainly was providential that Esther did not express her desire to the king at the first banquet, since the events in Chapter 6 will transpire between the banquets, making it much easier for Esther to expose Haman at the second banquet.

There have been reasons as to why Esther invited Haman.  Perhaps to make Xerxes jealous, to defuse any suspicions Haman might have, perhaps he invied him so that his guily reaction might reveal his quilt, but the reason that I like like to think that she acted in the best tradiyions of her people and that was to confront Haman face to face rather than speak behind his back.

In verse 7, we are given no reason for Easter's delay in accusing Haman.  Perhapsthe delay allowed for the king's sleeples night and the events that would follow in Chapter 6.  It  would be best to credit her with the spiritual discernment necessary to sense God's timing. 

It would seen that Haman's good spirits on the way home from the banquet were from the wine he had drunk and from the honor of being invited along with the king to the feast at Esther's table, but we read his mood changed quickly when he encountered. Mordecai, who did not even raise in his presence.  We note that Mordecai showed no fear before him, despite the death decree against the Jewish people.

In verses 11 and 12, we see Haman's vanity matched that of the king he served.  He bragged to his wife and his friends about his wealth, his sons and his high status in the kingdom.

The word gallow, is the word usually used for wood the material used to built gallows,  Haman had a gallow made of about 75 feet high.  Impaling was a typical means of execution in Persia.  Its more likely that the gallow was high pointed pole rather than the wooden structure that we are accustomed to.  In an execution by impaling, a person was forced to sit on a pointed stake which penetrated deeper and deeper as they struggled until finally vital organs were reached.  It was propbably this cruel death Haman had planned for a man who had done nothing more than to insult him.

JESUS REIGNS!!!  May God's Love, Peace, Strenth, and Grace be with you all. 

Your Sister in Christ

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