Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bible Scripture Reading

"Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for Monday 8 April 2013, from Cindi, a Daughter of the King of kings and Lord of lords."

Today's Blog's Title: "Jonah's Prayer and Deliverance"
Today's Blog's Scripture Reading: Jonah 2:1-10
Today's Blog's Key Verse: Jonah 2:10 "So the LORD spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah onto dry land."

Jonah is often called the "gospel of the second chance."  God is gracious and will not let us run away from obedience, even if He has to place storms and great fish in our pathway.

In verse 1, Jonah prayed to the LORD his God and acknowledges God's help and thanks Him for it.  The phrase "the LORD his God" shows that Jonah, even though he was disobedient, was a true believer in God.

In verse 2, "I cried...I cried" are terms that come from two different verbs.  The first is a more general term meaning "to call aloud," with a wide range of usage in the Bible.  The second is a term that means a "cry for help," particularly as a scream to God.  Jonah was terrified.  When the sailors threw Jonah into the sea, he seemed  to be "as good as dead."  The use of the pronouns "You" and "Your" in verse 3, are not accusations, but acknowledgments of the Lord's sovereign control of his life.

The man who had run from God's Presence was alone, yet he clung to the hope that God would not abandon him.  "The deep" in verse 5, is the same term used in Genesis 1:2, to describe the mysterious and terrifying sea.  In the Bible, the sea is described as a part of God's creation that bring Him joy, but it also appears as a symbol for hostile forces, which the Lord nevertheless holds in His firm control.

In verse 7, Jonah reaffirms his faith in the Lord and renews his commitment to Him.  Mercy (loyal love), is the term that so often describes God's faithfulness to His covenant and to His people.  God acts on behalf of His creation and the redeemed  community to insure a relationship with them.

The focus in the story of Jonah is on the Lord's sovereign control over creation to bring about His purpose.

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day.  Go in Peace and Serve the Lord our God with Gladness. ALWAYS remember, that when you have a spiritual, emotional, relational, physical, or financial dilemma in your life, and you yell out, "I CAN'T," GOD WHISPERS to you, "BUT I CAN."

Jesus Reigns, and He Is, Has Been, and ALWAYS Will Be, in Complete and Total Control!!! 

Your Sister in Christ,

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