Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bible Scripture Reading for Thursday 13 October 2011

"Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for 13 October 2011"

Today's Blog Title: "Bringing Many Sons To Glory"
Today's Scripture Reading: Hebrews 2:1-18
Today's Key Verses: Hebrews 2:11-13 "For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren, saying: "I will declare Your name to My brethren; In the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to you."  And again "I will put my trust in You."  and again: "Here am I and the children whom God has given Me."

In this Chapter the writer now introduces the first of a series of warning which punctuate this book.  If those who disobeyed the older revelation could could not avoid God's wrath which was mediated by angels, how could anyone who ignores the 'great salvation" announced by the Son of God expect to escape judgment? (2:1-4).

The writer now returns to the theme of Jesus' superiority.  Christ took on humanity, and in the process temporarily became "lower than the angels," even though in Creation God announced a far greater destiny for mankind (verses 5-8a). 

Jesus who suffered death for us now "crowned with glory and honor," and in His exaltation we see our destiny, for now He and we are members of the same family (8b-15).  How was Jesus made "perfect through suffering"?  Jesus must be a true human being in order to be qualified to save humanity and thus must experience life as we experience it.  Christ's suffering as a human didn't make him better, it established one vital qualification as Savior.

Christ took on real humanity and through death released us from the fear of death.  He did this not to help angels, but to help "Hos brothers," for whose sins He made atonement (verses
16-18).  In taking on humanity Jesus lowered Himself--that He might lift us up.  One of the greatest mysteries of all time is that God the Son entered the human race and was "made like his brothers in every way."

To say that Jesus was human "in every way" means that, apart from a sin nature, the Son of God accepted our limitations and lived within them.  He experienced hunger and thirst.  He grew tired and knew loniness  He felt the pain of rejection and misunderstanding and yearned for the deep relationships which we find so satisfying.  Many passages in the New Testament make it clear that Jesus truly was God and man.

A high priest had to be able to sympathize with those he represented to God.  The testings Jesus underwent as a human being meant that He understands.

Today's Hymn: "Redeemed How I Love To Proclaim It"

Redeemed, and so happy in Jesus, No language my rapture can tell
I know that the light of His presence, with me doth continually dwell
Redeemed, redeemed, Redeemed by the blood of the Lamb
Redeemed, redeemed, His child and forever I am

Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, how thankful we are that we have a High Priest in Jesus whom stands before the Father and intercedes for us.  We have a High Priest who was tempted as we are yet without sin.  We have a High Priest who's blood has cleansed us from all our unrighteousness.  Thank You Jesus for conquering death and sin when you arose from the grave defeating Satan and the death hold that he had on us forever.

Today's Biblical Truth: "Satan uses the fear of death to enslave us, the Son eliminated such fear and broke the bondage of sin and death."

Click on the link at  for Today's Bible Verse from Psalm 62:5-8.

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day, Go in Peace and Serve the Lord our God with Gladness. Love God More Today and always remember that when you have a spiritual dilemma in your life and you yell out, "I CAN'T", God Whispers to you, "BUT I CAN".

"As far as the east is from the west, So far has He removed our transgressions from us." Psalm 103:12.

Your Sister in Christ,


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