Friday, December 24, 2010

Bible Verse and Hymn for Friday 24 December

Good Morning Everyone!!!  It is a beautiful day here in the desert.  The sun is brightly shining and the snow glistens from the light of the sun on the mountains.

Can you point to a day or days in your life that something happened that changed everything for you, a day or days in which nothing would ever be the same again?

Some of us are "taken" aback by a phone call, or a knock on the door, or a letter arriving in the mailbox, or maybe an appointment with a doctor or lawyer that may change there life's forever.

The day that changed my life forever, was at 11:45 p.m. on July 11th of this year, for that was the day that I gave my life, and my all, to Jesus Christ as my Savior.  I was, up to that point, under the ice berg of life, and I was drowning, but on that day when I gave everything to Christ, the ice berg of my life was inverted, and I was now on the top of it, basking in God's Love, Grace and Light.  What an eye opening experience it was was me, to now have Christ living in me, and to know, that He will never leave, nor forsake me.  To know, that no matter what trails and storms I will face, He will be there with me, and carry me through them.

Can you, find even the smallest diamond, in the trails and storms of your life?  It has been said , "Praising God for our blessings extends them, and Praising God for our troubles ends them."  Wow!!! Can you make such a statement in your life?

Look your difficulties straight in the eye my friends, and then lift loud, glorious, praise to the throne of the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, who's Grace and Love, endures forever.

Today, instead of the words to a hymn, I would like to share this Christmas Eve poem, that I hope you will enjoy, as much as I do.

                            "Footprints in the Snow"

                 One white and wintry Christmas Eve
                 in a village long ago
                 A young child took a journey,
                 leaving footprints n the snow.
                 Clutched within her tiny hand
                 she carried a small tattered heart,
                 Fashioned from scraps of cloth,
                 wrapped in the charm of childlike art.

                A manger scene of wood and straw
                was the child's destination.
                Her only Christmas wish,
                to join Christ's birthday celebration.
                She placed her precious handmade gift
                upon the straw with care,
                And before she turned to leave,
                she said a little prayer.

                The villagers who stood nearby,
                recall that night with awe,
                Retelling every detail
                of the miracle they saw...
                A second set of footprints
                appeared next to the girl's own.
                They seemed to walk right by her side,
                to see her safely home.

                But there's no mystery in the presence
                of this unseen friend----
                For once God's touched your heart,
                You'll never walk alone again.

Heavenly Father, May be have the faith, and belief, as a small child, that in so doing so, we will place our complete trust in you.

"Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God.  Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it".
                                                          Mark 10:14-15

Have a God Filled and a Spirit Led Day

Yours in Christ

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