Friday, November 25, 2011

Bible Scripture Reading for Friday 25 November 2011

"Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for 25 November 2011"

Today's Blog Title: "Commitment Produces Certainty"
Today's Scripture Reading: John 7:1-52
Today's Key Verse: John 7:38 "He who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."

As we begin Chapter 7 we see that Jesus delays going up to Jerusalem for one of Judaism's three required religious festivals.  We are told by John that Jesus' brothers argued, "If You are really working miracles and thus claiming to be the Messiah, do not hide in obscure Galilee.  If you are doing miracles at all, then do them in Jerusalem at the Feast to convince the who nation."  These words were sarcastic, because even His own brothers did not believe Him.  Later though two of Jesus' brothers, James and Jude, did believe and will become leaders in the Book of Acts of the young church.  Don't write off those who don't respond at once to the Gospel.  Often it takes time.

Halfway through the eight day day festival Jesus begins teaching publicly in the temple courtyard.  Jesus attributes  His teaching directly to God, rather that rabbinical "seminary training," and insists that anyone who chooses to do God's will, will recognize it.  When He is challenged, He bluntly states that the judgment of the religious leaders is flawed and that they do not keep the Law they claim to honor.  In verse 12 John uses the phrase "the Jews" of Judaism's religious hierarchy.  Their power to cut of any Jewish person off from Israel's religious and social life kept those who did think Jesus was the Messiah from speaking out.

Choosing to doing God's Will is a vital and basic principle.  To know Jesus and develop spiritual understanding, a person must make a conscious, determined choice to do God's Will.  If we make that choice, God will show us what His Will is, and we can live it, step by step.

Widespread speculation that Jesus is the Christ angers the Jewish leaders even as His sayings puzzle them.  The Jews assumed Jesus was born in Galilee, because He lived in Nazareth.  Yet if they had checked the records, that given the Jewish concern with genealogies surely existed, they would have learned He was born in Bethlehem, of David's family line. 

 But the crowds also hesitate when, on the last day of the festival, Jesus calls on His listeners to believe in Him.  The religious leaders' fury is intensified when their own guards refuse to arrest Jesus, and Nicodemus, one of their members, defended Him.  It's clear that the leaders absolutely refuse to believe Jesus could be the Christ.

Jesus promises to pour out the Holy Spirit as the source of "Living Water", for those who would believe in Him.

Today's Hymn: "Amazing Grace"

Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound, That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost, but now I am found, Was blind but now I see
"Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed
My chains are gone, I've been set free, My God, My Savior has ramsoned me
And like a flood His mercy reigns, unending love, Amazing grace
The Lord has promise good to me, His Word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be, As long as life endures
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow, The sun forbear to shine
But God, Who called me here below. Will be forever mine
Will be forever mine, You are forever mine

Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, how thankful we are Father, that the moment we take Jesus into our lives, that we receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, whom walks with us, guides us, and teaches us.  How happy we are as Christians, to follow You in Your footsteps, and to be sons and daughters of the King.  May we continue to grow in your mercy and grace, and grow stronger in our relationship with Thee.
Today's Biblical Truth: "As with Jesus, so with us; no one can touch us without the Father's consent."

Click on the link at for Today's Bible Verse from John 7 which is Titled: "Commitment Produces Certainty."

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day.  Go in Peace and Serve the Lord our God with Gladness. Love God More Today.  Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Christ who are being persecuted for their Faith and Trust in our Lord and Savior.  Also Pray for God's Blessings on the Nation of Israel.  Always remember that when you have a spiritual dilemma in your life and you yell out, "I CAN'T", God Whispers to you, "BUT I CAN".

"Call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you." Psalm 50:15

Your Sister in Christ,

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