Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bible Scripture Reading for Tuesday 15 November 2011

"Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for 15 November 2011"

Today's Blog Title: "God Has Been Among Us"
Today's Scripture Reading: John 1:1-18
Today's Key Verse: 1:14 "And the word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

John in Chapter 1, takes us back beyond Creation, to show that Jesus has been God from eternity past.  He existed before His birth, was co-equal with God the Father, the source of light and of life itself.

The Greek word for word is "logos", which usually emphasizes the message of a spoken word.  Johns point is this (1) a key role of the Second Person of the Trinity has always been communication.  The Son is the spoken Word, the living expression of all God has ever sought to communicate about Himself (2) Jesus is both identical with the God of the Old Testament, and yet is distinct from Him (3) John credits the Word with Creation.  Psalm 19 exalted the created universe for speaking so plainly of God without language, so that its message can be "heard" in every language.  Jesus spoke, and the universe sprang into existence.  The saying that life was "the light of men" means, that as the source of all life, Jesus is the focus of all our hopes.  

Before He began His ministry on earth the presence of Jesus, the preexistence Word, was announced and pointed out by John.  Yet, though He made the world itself, and came to a people, He as God called out long ago, He was neither recognized nor received by His own.  Christ made humankind and created the world in which we live.  But when He came to join us, humanity had no awareness of who He was or the significance of His Presence.

John here, introduces a central theme of his Gospel.  Those who do receive Him by believing on His name, become the children of God.  The awesome truth is that in Jesus Christ, God Himself did become flesh and live among us.  Jesus was recognized as God incarnate by some!  These "received" Him.  This image, "receive", is the first John uses to define "believe". 

  Jesus is the turning point of sacred history, the source of grace that surpasses law, the visible expression of the unseen God.  If you do not see a gift held out to you, or if you see it, but do not receive it as real, you won't reach out your hand to take it.  Believing in Jesus involves seeing Him presented as God's Son, accepting the description as real, and simply holding out your hand to accept God's gift of eternal life.  You then become what you were not: a child of God.

Today's Hymn: "Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven"

Praise my soul, the King of heaven, To the throne thy tribute bring
Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, Evermore God's praises sing
Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise the everlasting King
Praise the Lord for grace and favor, To all people in distress
Praise God, still the same as ever, Slow to chide, and swift to bless
Alleluia! Alleluia! Glorious now God's faithfulness
Father like God tend and spares us, Well our feeble frame God knows
Mother like, God gently bears us, Rescues us from all our foes
Alleluia! Alleluia! Widely yet God's mercy flows
Angels in the heights adorning, You behold God face to face
Saints triumphant now adorning, Gathered in from every race
Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise with us the God of grace

Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, may we as Christians bear witness and testify to the saving love and grace of Jesus Christ who was, who is, and who is to come.  May we as Christians and as followers of Jesus proclaim to others that Jesus is the word, the life and that light and that He is Christ, the Son of God.  Thank you Abba Father that by believing we as undeserving sinners, become full members of God's family.
Today's Biblical Truth: "Christ entered this world to give it spiritual light"

Click on the link at www.cindi-davis.blogspot.com for Today's Bible Verse for 2 Timothy 3:16-17."

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day.  Go in Peace and Serve the Lord our God with Gladness. Love God More Today.  Pray for our Brothers and Sisters who are being persecuted for their Faith and Trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Pray also for the Nation of Israel.  Always remember that when you have a spiritual dilemma in your life and you yell out, "I CAN'T", God Whispers to you, "BUT I CAN".

"The Lord shall preserve your going out and your coming in, From this time forth, and even forevermore" Psalm 121:8

Your Sister in Christ,

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