Friday, November 4, 2011

Bible Scripture Reading for Friday 4 November 2011

"Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for 4 November 2011"

Today's Blog Title: "No Conflict"
Today's Scripture Reading: James 2:1-24
Today's Key Verse: James 2:23 "And the Scripture was fulfilled which says, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to Him for righteousness."  And he was called a friend of God."

The practice of showing partiality to the rich discriminates against the poor and is evil. If God and Christ show grace and mercy without favoritism, so should believers.  It is also strange as the rich rather than the poor exploit Christians and slander that name.  Worst of all, it is sin, for God's Law calls on everyone to love a neighbor as yourself.  Breaking that Law is the same as indulging in the more "serious sins," for the law is like a balloon: Stick a pin in one part and the whole thing breaks.

Sin is a violation of the perfect righteousness of God, who is the Lawgiver.  James is saying that the whole divine law has to be accepted as an expression of God's will for His people.  The violation of even one commandment separates us from God and His promises.

We are to speak and act as those who are freed by the law of love from the law of rules.  We will be evaluated on this basis: He who received mercy must himself be merciful.  James them moves to evaluate Christian faith itself.  Genuine faith will naturally produce good works; the two complement each other.  When someone truly believes in a cause that belief will change the way a person lives.  Works are actions which follow the "royal law" of love.  James is telling us that faith in Christ will demonstrate itself in love for others.

In verse 19 James is telling us that "Intellectual acceptance is not faith" for the demons know there is one God and they shutter, but they do not love Him.  Their kind of belief does not lead to love, submission, and obedience; instead it leads to hatred, rebellion, and disobedience.

We prove to others our genuine faith in Christ through our works.  But the justification that comes through faith is before God and we do not "prove" ourselves to Him; instead, God declares us righteous through our association with Christ, the One who died for our sins (Romans 3:28). 

Faith and works are not enemies.  True faith and righteous works go hand in hand. They are two parts of God's work in us.  Faith brings a person to salvation, and works bring that person to faithfulness.  Faith is the cause; works are the effect. James believed it and so did Paul.

Today's Hymn: "Take My Life And Let It Be"

Take my life, and let it be consecrated, Lord to thee,
Take my moments and my days; let them flow in ceaseless praise
Take my hands, and let them move, at the impulse of Thy love
Take my feet, and let them, be swift and beautiful for Thee

Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, as we serve Thee and reach out to this sinful and dying world may we as Christians bear much fruit for Thee as we spread the Good News of Salvation.  May our faith continue to be strong in Thee and may our works be pleasing to Thee.  Use our whole being Lord as we take up our cross and follow You to wherever you want us to go.
"Today's Biblical Truth: "Sin is a violation of the perfect righteousness of God, who is the Lawgiver."

Click on the link at for Today's Bible Verse from Titus 3:5,6.

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day.  Go in Peace and Serve the Lord our God with Gladness. Love God More Today.  Pray for our Brothers and Sisters in Christ who are being persecuted for their faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.  Also pray for the Nation of Israel.  Always remember that when you have a spiritual dilemma in your life and you yell out, "I CAN'T", God Whispers to you, "BUT I CAN".

"Great peace have those who love Your law, And nothing causes them to stumble." Psalm 119:165.

Your Sister in Christ,



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