Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bible Scripture and Hymn for Tuesday 8 February 2011

"Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

Today's Blog Title: "Jacob Escapes from Esau"
Today's Scripture Reading: Genesis 27:28-46
Today's Key Verse:  Genesis 27: "So Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing with which his father blessed him, and Esau said in his heart, "The day of mourning for my father are at hand, then I will kill my brother Jacob."

Yesterday, was part 1 of Chapter 27, where we saw how Jacob, with the help of his mother Rebekah, went into his father Issac, to receive the blessing that was suppose to go to the first born.  Now we will read in part 2, how the the deceit of Jacob, resulted in his having to flee for his life.

Isaac begins the blessing in verse 27, ironically by by the smell of his son's clothing.  In verse 28,  we read of the blessing to Jacob instead of Esau.  Isaac predicted that Jacob's descendants would obtain supremacy over other peoples.  Jesus, as the King of kings and who was a descendant of Jacob would ultimately fulfill this predication.  Isaac in his blessing intended that Jacob would bow to Esau, but because of Jacob's deception and the poor eyes sight of Isaac he blessed Jacob instead.  With the blessing of Isaac, Jacob became heir to the everlasting covenant between Abraham's descendants and the Lord.

As soon as Issac had blessed Jacob, Esau returns from the field from his hunt, and then prepares the meal his father had requested.  When Esau comes into his fathers tent with the prepared meal, he says to Isaac "Let my father arise and eat of your son's game that your soul may bless me."   Isaac says, "Who are you?"  You would have to assume that Isaac recognized the voice of Esau.  You will recall in 27:22, that Isaac had Jacob come close to him, because the voice was that of Jacob. Isaac then asks a question which he already had the answer to, "Who? Where is the one who hunted game and brought it to me?"  I ate, and I have blessed him, and indeed he shall be blessed."    Isaac knew the voice of Esau, and in despair realized that he had been deceived by Jacob.  In those times, words could not be easily withdrawn as they often are today.  Isaac's words of blessing were backed by the power of the Lord, and could not be withdrawn.

In verse 34, we see that Esau's anguish was so unbearable that he cried, and asked his father to bless him.  Isaac tells him, that Jacob had came with deceit and had taken his blessing.  Esau then says, "He has taken away my birthright and now my blessing".  Perhaps Esau as the firstborn, had hoped to overcome the lost of his birthright with his fathers powerful blessing.  But as we see, Jacob had obtained both, the birthright and the blessing through deceit, and the blessings of his father to Jacob were irrevocable.

Esau now asks his father "Have you only one blessing?"  The blessing to Esau was weaker than the blessing for Jacob, and was probably along the lines that Abraham gave to Ishmael in 16:11-12.  This weaker blessing to Esau, affirmed that Esau's descendants would serve his brother yet some day they would free themselves from domination.

In verses 42-45 we see that Esau had revealed to someone his plan to kill Jacob and this word got back to Rebekah.  Here again we see that his mother, intervened to help her "favorite" son.  In the closing verses of this Chapter, we see that Rebekah tells Jacob to flee to her brother in Hanan.  For she feared that she might lose both her sons in one day, one to death and the other to exile as Cain when he killed Adam his brother.  This action sadly, would be the last time that she would see Jacob because we will see later that she will die before Jacob returns. The Chapter closes with Isaac and Rebekah, talking about Jacob's future wife because they had regretted Esau's marrying Hittite women.  It would be reasonable to assume, that Rebekah had sent him to Laban not only because he was her brother, but because Isaac had found Rebekah in Haran.

Today's Closing Question and Comment: "Do we need to be deceitful to obtain the blessings of God?"  In today's Scripture, we saw that a father's oral blessing had the force of a will, and would stand up in court.  Isaac's blessing was important.  The blessing that Isaac bestowed upon Jacob, incorporated elements of the original Abrahamic Covenant.  It was clear to Isaac, that the most important thing he had to hand down to his son, was his relationship with God.  Isaac when he had realized that he had been tricked, came to realize that God had chosen Jacob, and not Esau his favorite son.  Isaac submits to God's will, and confirms his blessings to Jacob.  He does have a blessing for Esau: material property.  Esau was angry with his brother, but he actually received everything he ever cared about.

Open the eyes of my heart Lord, open the eyes of my heart Lord
I want to see You, I want to see You
To see You high and lifted up, Shining in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love, as we sing holy, holy, holy
Open up the eyes of my heart Lord, Open up the eyes of my heart
I want to see you, I want to see you
Holy, holy, holy, we cry holy, holy holy
You are holy, holy, holy, I want to see You

Heavenly Father, Open the eyes of our hearts that we may see You.  Thank you for loving us and sending your Holy Spirit to us to live within us and guide us.  May we always bring honor and glory to Your Name which is above every name and may others see You in us.

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day.  Go In Peace, Serve the Lord in all that You Do and Love God More Today.

Yours In Christ

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