Monday, February 21, 2011

Bible Scripture for Monday 21 February 2011

"Greetings Everyone in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

Today's Blog Title: "Laban's Covenant with Jacob"
Today's Scripture Reading: Genesis 31:43-55
Today's Key Verse: Genesis 31:55 "And early in the morning Laban arose, and kisses his sons an daughters and blessed them.  The Laban departed and returned to his place."

Today is part 3, of 3 parts of Genesis Chapter 31.  In part 1 on Thursday, we saw "Jacob Flee Laban."  In Part 2 on Friday, we read how "Laban Pursued Jacob" and today we will talk about "Laban's Covenant with Jacob."

As verse 43 opens, we note that Laban considered Jacob's children part of his extended family, because he had adopted Jacob as a son, and a principle heir.  Laban then wants to make a coveant with Jacob, an agreement between equals. The word witness here in verse 44, refers to a lasting reminder of a significant agreement, and in today's language would be something that could be used in court.

Now we see that for the second time, that Jacob will  set up a stone as a  memorial.  You may remember that on his way to Haran, at Bethel (Genesis 28:18), some 20 years ago, he had set up a pillar to mark the spot where God had spoke to him.  Verse 45 tells us that they also made a stone heap, and made a meal to memorialized the agreement.  Laban and Jacob then had a meal, and ate some of the animals that had been sacrificed, while making the covenant.

Laban in verse 47, called the memorial "Jegar Sahadutha", but Jacob called it "Galeed".  It is interesting to note, that both names mean "Heap of Witness".  Another name given to the spot was Mizpah, which means "Outlook Point".  God above, would have His eyes on both men, to make them keep their covenant.

Neither of them were to cross these symbols to harm the other.  We now note that the wording of Laban in verse 53, would suggest that Abraham, Nahor and their father Terah all worshiped the same God, The God of Abraham.  The family possibly believed in the Lord as the one God, above many gods.

In verse 54 Jacob offers a sacrifice.  It is interesting to note here, that this sacrifice by Jacob is the only time in Genesis, where we see Jacob doing a sacrifice.  He then calls everyone together to eat bread.  The act of eating together, further solidified the agreement between the two men.  In the closing verse of Chapter 31, we see Laben rises early in the morning,  kisses his grandchildren and daughters goodbye, and heads back home.

Today's Question and Closing Comment: "When someone accuses you of wrongdoing, are you as forgiving as Jacob was to Laban?"  It is interesting to note, that if you recall in verses 36-42, how Jacob was anger with Laban for the way that he had pursued him and his family, and how he had worked for him for 20 years, and now Laban stood there accusing him of stealing his household idols(s).  We now see starting in verse 43, a change of direction from both men.  Laban, now wants to make a covenant with Jacob.  Perhaps Laban feared Jacob, because he knew that God was with him, and he was afraid that Jacob might come back to get even with him, for all the wrong that he had done him these past 20 years.  In any case, we see that Jacob was willing to make a covenant with Laban, and with that covenant they made peace with each other.  Once again, as we have seem throughout the Book of Genesis, God has been, and will always be, in total control.

Shall we gather at the river, where bright angel feet have trot
With its crystal tide forever, flowing by the throne of God?
Yes, we'll gather at the river, the beautiful, the beautiful river
Gather with the saints at the river, that flows by the throne of God

Heavenly Father,  As we come before You, we are thankful that You are the same from day to day, and that You will never change.  Give us the patience Lord, in dealing with others, and  that in being patient and loving, they will see You living in and through us. 

Have a God Filled and a Spirit Led Day.  Go in Peace, Serve the Lord with Gladness and Love God More Today.

Yours In Christ,

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