Friday, March 11, 2011

Bible Scripture and Hymn for Friday 11 March 2011

"Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

Todays' Blog Title: "Pharaoh's Dream" (part 2)
Today's Blog Scripture: Genesis 41:17-36
Today's Key Verse: Genesis 41:33 "Now therefore, let Pharaoh select a discerning and wise man, and set him over the land of Egypt."

In part 1, we saw that Pharaoh had two dreams, and that no one in Egypt could tell him the meaning of the dreams.  The chief butler, then remembers how Joseph had correctly interrupted his, and the chief bakers dreams while he was in prison.  The chief butler tells Pharaoh about Joseph, and Pharaoh has him brought out of prison, to stand in front of him in the Egyptian court. 

Two years have gone by, since the chief butler had been restored to his position and in that time he had forgotten about Joseph.  When no one can help the Pharaoh with the meaning of his dreams, Pharaoh's butler now remembers Joseph, and tells Pharaoh about him.  Pharaoh sends for Joseph in prison, and after he is cleaned up, he is standing face to face with Pharaoh.  Pharaoh says to Joseph, "I have heard that you can understand a dream, and to interpret it."  Joseph then stresses to Pharaoh, that his power to interpret dreams comes from the Lord when he says, "It is not in me, God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer."(Genesis 40:16)

Please note that every time Joseph's situation  improved in Egypt, the Scriptures note that God was working behind the scenes.  Pharaoh then proceeds to tell Joseph his dreams.  After listening to what Pharaoh had dreamed about, Joseph instantly was able to reveal  that the dreams had predicted seven years of abundance in Egypt, that would be followed by  seven years of great famine.  He then tells Pharaoh that because of having two dreams of the same meaning,  that "the thing is fixed by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass." (Genesis 40:32)  

I love reading this story about the boldness and faithfulness of Joseph to stand before Pharaoh, and to tell him what the True, and Living Almighty God, has predicted in these dreams.  He then goes on to tell Pharaoh that he should choose a wise and discreet individual to set up a nationwide system in order to stockpile reserve grain during the 7 years of plenty, "that the land may not perish during the famine." (Genesis 41:33-36)

Wow!!!!!  The power of God speaking through Joseph was awesome.  Here was Joseph, a Jewish slave, standing calmly before Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt, and telling him the meaning of his dreams and what he should do about the meaning of the dreams.  On Monday (God Willing) we will conclude Chapter 41 with "Joseph's Rise to Power".

It is my prayer, that those of you who are reading these Blogs, that God is blessing your life's with this, the Book of Genesis which is the first book of God's Holy Word and begins with the words, "In the beginning God.....".  I am so excited that God is using this Blog to get his message of His Love and Mercy out internationally via the Internet.  What a Loving, Caring, and Gracious Living God that we as Christian's serve, and that He is the same as He was in the days of Joseph, as He is with us today, and as He will be tomorrow and forever.

Closing Question and Comment: "Whom has God used to give you guidance?"  The person whom has helped me the most in my new found Spiritual Growth, has been Catherine Martin.  I have just finished a 17 week course with her teachings from her book, "A Woman's Walk In Grace".  Learning about God's Grace was a an eye opening experience for me.  Our most important opportunities may come when we least expect them.  Joseph in our story today, was brought hastily from prison and pushed before Pharaoh.  Did he have time to prepare for meeting Pharaoh?  The answer is yes and no.  He had no warning that he would be standing suddenly before the ruler of Egypt, yet Joseph was ready for almost anything, because of his relationship with Our Almighty God.  It was not Joseph's knowledge of dreams that helped him to interpret their meaning, but it was his knowledge of God.  We as Christians, need to be ready for our opportunities, by getting to know God better, by studying and reading His Word.  Then we will be ready for anything, that may come our way.

Lord, You are good, and Your mercy endureth forever
Lord, You are good, and Your mercy endureth forever
People from every nation and tongue, from generation to generation
We worship You, Hallelujah hallelujah, we worship you hallelujah hallelujah
We worship You for who You are, and You are good
You are good all the time, all the time You are good

Heavenly Father, What a Wonderful, Loving and Almighty God we serve.  There is nothing impossible for you.  May our relationship with you, be as strong as that of Joseph.  May others see Christ in us, who lives in us, and is us.

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day.  Go in Peace and Serve the Lord with Gladness.  Love God More Today and always remember that when you have a spiritual defeat that yells, "I Can't, listen to God whisper to you, "BUT I CAN".

Your in Christ,

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