Monday, March 21, 2011

Bible Scripture and Hymn for Monday 21 March 2011

"Greetings Everyone in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

Today's Blog Title: "Joseph Revealed to His Brothers"
Today's Scripture Reading: Genesis 45:1-28
Today's Key Verse: Genesis 45:3 "Then Joseph said to his brothers, I am Joseph; does my father still live?'  But his brothers could not answer him, for they were dismayed in his presence."

On Friday, we read how Joseph had instructed his steward to once again return the brothers money inside there grain sacks but also this time, to also to put his cup in the bag of Benjamin.  While the brothers were on the road on there return to Canaan with the grain, Joseph's steward overtook them and they he accused them of stealing Joseph's cup.  Judah declares there innocence.  The bags were checked and the cup was found in Benjamin's bag.  The brothers were brought back to Joseph, and when Joseph was going to make Benjamin his slave, and that the rest of the brothers were free to go, Judah made his earnest and emotional appeal to Joseph, and offered his own life, to save Benjamin's.

As Chapter 45 opens, we now are told that Joseph could bear no more of this emotional drama,  and that he then dismisses his Egyptian servants, and cries so loud that his voice was heard throughout the palace. Joseph then, finally reveals himself to his stunned brothers.  When Joseph said this to them, he realized that his physical appearance, his Egyptian manner, his high position and his total power over them, seemed to make his revelation of whom he was unbelievable.  Joseph calls them to come close to him so they can see his face and hear his voice.  "Wow"  What love and forgiveness that he had for his brothers.

He tells his brothers that they had unwittingly been following the divine plan, "for God sent me before you to preserve life" (Genesis 45:5).  He then tells them that since the famine was to last another 5 years, that they were to return to Canaan, and bring his father Jacob, and the rest of his family down to Egypt.

Pharaoh, now hears of this reunion, and he joins in on the celebration.  He sends to Jacob presents and promised his family, "the best of the land of Egypt" Genesis 45:18).  I can just imagine the joy of the brothers as they head back to Canaan to bring the great news that Joseph was alive to their father Jacob.   What rejoicing there must have been.

When the caravan of well provisioned wagons reached Canaan, Jacob's sons tell him that Joseph is alive in Egypt.  Jacob was stunned.  But when he saw the gifts that Pharaoh had sent with his sons, he believed them.  Jacob immediately was determined to visit his beloved Rachel's oldest son.   Jacob would once again see his favorite son, whom he believed to be dead, before he died. 

Todays' Question and Comment: "When did you last let your family know you appreciated them?
As this story unfolded starting in Chapter 37, we saw how the brothers of Joseph, got rid of him by selling him into Egypt.  But we see that God used their evil actions to fulfill His ultimate plan.  He had send Joseph ahead to preserve their lives, save Egypt, and prepare the way for the beginning of the nation of Israel.  God is always in total control.  His plans are not dictated by our human actions.  When others intend evil toward you, remember that they are God's tools, and everything that happens is done according to His divine timetable.

Today's Hymn: "For The Glory Of Your Name"

God, You keep us without failing, As You watch us from above
In our comings and our goings, Sheltered by your precious love
In the pouring rain of Mercy, Comes the grace by which we're saved
For the glory of Your Name, For the glory of Your Name

Heavenly Father, How great it is to know, that You are aways in control of everything that happens in our lives, everything that happens around us, and everything that happens on this planet and the universe beyond.  May we like Joesph, be granted the ability to forgive those that do us wrong, so that in doing so we might bring glory and honor to Your name.
                                                    ,                                                                       Amen

"Expect God to change the hearts of those who sin against you, even as He has been changing you".

Today's Bible Verse at is Proverbs 3:6

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day.  Go in Peace and Serve the Lord with Gladness.  Love God More Today and when you have a spiritual failure in your day that yells out, I CAN"T", God whispers to you, "BUT I CAN".

Yours in Christ,

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