Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bible Verse and Hym for Saturday 22 January 2011

"Greetings in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

This past week, while doing the weekly blog, I started thinking about changing the format for the blog on the weekends.   Since the weekends are a very busy time for me in my service for the Lord, I have decided to try a new approach for the weekends.  While in my Quiet Time with the Lord, and in searching and reading God's Word, I will do a weekend Daily Verse in which it will be my prayer, that God will uplift you in your walk with Him.   The Monday-Friday Blog will continue to be a study on a book in the Bible.  

Today I would like to tell you my testimony and what Christ has meant to me since I opened my hearts door to His knocking.

I  and my sibling's were in a foster home at 3, and we were adopted when I was 5 (I being the oldest).  The couple that adopted us were Southern Baptist, so I went to church Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings and Bible Study on Wednesday's.  So I was well introduced to church life.  There is a statement from Catherine Martin's book "A Woman's Walk In Grace" that says, "Do you believe in God? or do you BELIEVE GOD .  It takes a big faith to BELIEVE GOD".  When I read this I said "WOW what a statement!!!!"  It was my whole life.  I had always Believed in God, and gave that lip service to God, but I never BELIEVED GOD.

In January of 2010, I was having alot of throat problems, and finally went into see my Doctor and was told that I had a growth on my vocal cords that had to come out.  I gave that lip service to God, and asked for it to come out ok.  After the results came back, and and it was beign, and even though my voice wouldn't be the same, I did my lip service to God and I said, "Thank you God" and continued with my wayward life.  In May I lost my full time job, and once again, did not go to God and ask for His help, in this lost of a job which I loved so much.  

On July 8th at 9:55 p.m. I received a call, that would take me from being on the edge of the ice berg of life, to having me under it and drowning.  At that time and date, as I was driving on the freeway home, I got a call and was told that my sister was killed by a drunk driver.  I went into complete shock and disbelief.  I dropped my phone and was crying and driving which wasn't a good combination.  How I made it home, I didn't know at that time, but now I realize that it was because of the grace of God.

I laid on my couch and cried for three days.  I did nothing but cry.  Two weeks prior to this, I had checked out a movie called "Fireproof" (if you have never seen it you need to) and because my life revolved around me, it sat on my coffee table collecting dust, because I was to busy to watch it.  On the third day of wallowing in my self piety and sorrow, I looked down and saw the DVD, and it seemed to jump out at me and say, "watch me".  While watching the movie, and the message of it, I felt the Lord knocking on my Hearts Door, and for the first time in my life, I realized that I needed Christ in my life.  I needed to BELIEVE GOD.

I went to my bedroom got down on my knees, and told God that I am a sinner, and that I was tired of trying to live my life without him, and that I needed and wanted him in my life.  I wanted him to take control of my spiraling life, that was leading me the gates of hell. On the 11th of July at 11:55 p.m. and at the moment I accepted Christ into my life, I felt the Lords arms around me and that inner peace that I was missing all these years of my life.  I knew WITHOUT A DOUBT, that He was there with me and comforting me.  WOW!!!!!  What a joy to finally to BELIEVE GOD, and have that peace that passes all understanding, and to have such an inner peace within my heart and soul.

The next morning I went on my daily walk, which I hadn't done in days, and for the first time I saw the real beauty of God's creation.  The flowers looked more beautiful, the air smelled fresher, and the sunrise coming over the mountains took on a whole new beauty.   My life took a 180 degree turn, and I went from being under the ice berg and drowning, to being on top of that ice berg of my life, and basking in God's Light, Love and Grace.  

God has given me the ability to write, and has given me the desire to spread His message through the Internet.  My friends, I now find, that even on the stormy days of my life, that I have sunshine, because I have Christ living in me and He is me and He is the LIGHT OF MY LIFE.  Once again taking a statement from Catherine's book where she says, "God's Grace: Believe It, Receive It, Live It".   I have totally done that.  "PRAISE GOD".

My friends, Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and if you but ask him into your life, and ask HIM to save you from your sins, He will, because we are told In Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is DEATH, but the Gift of God is ETERNAL LIFE in Christ Jesus our Lord" and in 1 John 1:9 we are told, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."  My friends unlike us God ALWAYS keeps His promises.

Heavenly Father, it is my prayer, that if there are any out there reading this, who do not know you, I pray that Your Holy Spirit will touch there hearts, and convict them of there need of you.  I pray, that as Jesus is tenderly and patiently knocking on there hearts door, that they may open that door to Him, and experience the Blessings, Love, Mercy and Grace of God, that He provides us because of the death, and resurrection, of His Son Jesus Christ.

Blessed be your Name, in the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow, 
Blessed be Your Name
Blessed be Your Name, when I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed be Your Name
Every blessing You pour out, I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord, Still I will say
Blessed be the Name of the Lord, Blessed be Your Name
Blessed be the Name of the Lord, Blessed be Your Glorious Name

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day and remember that Jesus came to seek and to save that which were lost.  There is a sign at a church that reads: "Inside the Bible is a Free Gift, Open It To Receive It".  WOW!!!!  I love that, because Jesus is that free gift.

Yours In Christ,


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