Thursday, January 13, 2011

Bible Verse and Hymn for Thursday 13 January

"Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

Today's Blog Title: "The Sign of the Covenant"
Today's Scripture Reading: Genesis 17:1-27
Today's Key Verse: Genesis 17:7: "I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you, and to your descendants after you."

Abram was 99 years old and from his view, God had waited a long time to fulfill His promise.  This was the 4th time that God  appeared to Abram after he had come to the land of Canaan.  

We see here that for the first time God tells Abram, " I am Almighty God".  Abram was commanded to walk before God.  He was to live his life in total faithfulness to the Lord, and to be blameless, which would mean, to have integrity in all that he did. 

Abram was told that he would be the father of many nations.  As a resulted of this promise his main descendants are the Israelites and are the line from which the Savior comes.  He is also the father of the Arab nations through Ishmael.

We now see that God changes his name from Abram (Exaulted Father) to Abraham (Father of Many).  The Abrahamic Covenant will be the foundation upon which all divine covenants are based.  With the remarkable works of "To be God to you" God pledged His ongoing relationship with the descendants of Abraham.

God promises all the lands of Canaan.  Even though God removed Israel a few times from the land, He promised Abraham the ultimate possession of it.

We now read that God commands that every male at 8 days old to be circumcised.  This was to be done at 8 days old, because the child would be strong enough for this procedure, but be to young to remember the pain.

As Abraham's name was changed, so was that of Sarai his wife. She would now be called Sarah.  Both Sarai and Sarah means "Princess"and the new name accompanied a new relationship with God.  The Lord's blessings was for her as well as Abraham.

God then tells Abram that he was going to give him a son.  Abraham, fell on his face and laughed.  Abraham's laugh is unexpected and shocking but it would seem very understandable, because Abraham had heard and believed the same promise, all these many years, but now that he was 99 it seemed that the whole thing was a joke, so he laughed.  He pleads with God that in Ishmael the the Covenant would come to pass.  God now tells Abraham that Sarah would bear a son and that he would name him Issac (Laughter).  So now we see that with this promise God has named the parents, the name of the child, and the time that this would happen.  Wow!!!  How great it is to have patience, and to wait upon the promises of the Lord.

We read in Scripture of the Lord coming down from heaven, but here, we read of Him returning to heaven.  Verse  22 is expressive of God's Holiness, Transcendence, and Wonder.  

In the closing of the Chapter, we see that Abraham completely obeyed the commands of God.  We see that he didn't wait a few days, but on that very day, did as the Lord commanded, and all the males in his household from little boys to adults were circumcised.

Closing Question and Comment: Do you have patience to wait upon the Lord?  In James 2:23 we read, "Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.  He was called the friend of God."  We now see that God, in all these years of telling Abraham that he would have a heir through him and Sarah, has now been told, not only his sons name, but when the child would be conceived.   God loves those that believe, and wait upon him, and His blessings.  

Your love has captured me, your grace has set me free
Your life the air I breathe, Be glorified in me
Be glorified in me, Be glorified in me
Be Glorified

Heavenly Father, It is our prayer, that we, as did Abraham, place our complete trust and faith in you, and do what you command us to do, that in serving you, we might bring Glory and Honor to your most Holiest Name.          

Have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day and may you bring everything to God in prayer and supplication.

Yours In Christ,


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