Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Bible Verse and Hymn for Wednesday 5 January

"Greetings in the Name of Or Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

Today's Blog Title: "Rules and Rainbows"
Today's Verses: Genesis 9:1-17

Today's Key Verse: Genesis 9:13-15 "I set my rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.  It shall be, when I bring a cloud over the earth, that the rainbow shall be seen in the cloud, and I will remember My covenant which is between Me and you and every living creature of all flesh; the waters shall never again become a flood to destroy all flesh."

God blessed the family of Noah and provided a new beginning for mankind.  As in the creation God tells Noah and his family to "Be fruitful and multiply".  God's blessings in verse 2 are alot stronger than they were at the creation.  The animals and birds will now have an innate fear of humans and they are placed under man's control.

God places three new realities that now mark the post-flood world.  Meat may be eaten along with plants, blood is not to be eaten with meat, and the taken of a person's life is punishable by death.  

God allows animals to be slain for food, but the wanton slaying of another human is not allowed.  The image of God is still in man and sin did not destroy it.  God lets us know that he values human life, more than animal life, because only mankind possesses God's image.  So we see here, that the animal kingdom, suffers here because of the sin of man.

In verses 8-17 we now see God's covenant with Noah and his descendants.  He promised not to destroy the earth with a flood, no matter how evil Noah's descendants became.  God promised, that until the end of the world, there would be seasons of planting and harvest and day and night.  God promised this to mankind even though we rebelled against Him, our Creator.

The rainbow mentioned in verse 13-17 was a sign of the covenant between Noah and his descendants and is a memorial to God's promise that He would never flood the earth again.  

Closing question and comment: What could you do the next time you see a rainbow?  Noah and his family stepped out of the ark, onto an earth in which there was no human life.  But God gave him a reassuring promise.  The covenant with Noah, and his descendants had three parts: 1. Never again would a flood cover the earth, 2. As long as the earth remained, the seasons will always come as expected, and 3. A rainbow will be visible when it rains, as a sign to all that God will keep His promises.  Today the earth's order and seasons are still preserved, and rainbows still remind us of God's faithfulness to His word.   

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus,
There's just something about that name
Master, Savior, Jesus
Like the fragrance after the rain.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
let all heaven and earth proclaim,
Kings and kingdoms will all pass away
But there's something about that name.

Heaven Father, When we see the rainbow after a rain, we are reminded of the promises, that you made to Noah, and we are thankful that we serve a Loving and Merciful God, who is always true to His promises. 

May you have a God Filled and Spirit Led Day and keep the promises of God within your heart.

Yours In Christ

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