Saturday, January 1, 2011

"Greetings in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

Happy New Year to everyone.  It is my prayer, that God's Love, Care, and Guidance, be with all of you this year.

Yesterday we saw the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden.  Today we shall look at the first murder as recorded in the Genesis Chapter 4.

Key Verse: Genesis 4:6: "So the Lord said to Cain" Why are you angry?  And why has your countenance fallen?  If you do well, will you not be accepted?  And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door, and it's desire is for you. but you should rule over it."

Key Application and Thought: When we make a mistake, do we correct it, or do we deny that we made one?

In Genesis 2:17 God has warned Adam that the very day that he ate of the forbidden fruit that he would "surely die".  The act of sin in Genesis 3 brought immediate spiritual death that grips us even today.  

Summary of Chapter 4 and 5

The results of the fall now work themselves out in the descendants of Adam and Eve.  Cain murders his brother Abel (verses 4:1-18).   Lamech breaks the pattern of only have one wife by taking two (verses 19-22) and justifies his murder of a young man "for injuring me" (verses 23-24), making the fall of a sinful human society all to clear.  Another son will be born to Adam and Eve, Seth, and at least some of his line will "call upon the name of the Lord".  The beginning of Chapter 5 we see where God has kept track of the godly line. The end of Chapter 5 brings about the birth of Noah (verse 29) and his descendants.

In Genesis 4:4 we see that Abel's sacrifice was the best that he had to offer.  Cain only brought a token gift of his produce.  God then looked with favor first upon the person then on his sacrifice.  Abel's offering was "more excellent" than Cain's because of Abel's faith in the Lord.

In verse 5 we see something deficient in Cain's attitude which was reflected in his offering.  Instead of repenting of his wrong doing Cain became angry and was filled with jealousy (verse 8).

The gracious words of the Lord to Cain were that he could get it right.  He did not have to be angry that he could do well.  Sin was lying at the door about to pounce on him like a lion.

Cain murders Abel and Abel's innocent blood cries out to the Lord.  In the manner of his death, Abel depicts the Jesus who's innocent blood was shed for our sins.

In verse 11 we see that Cain was the third to be cursed by God.  The first was the serpent (3:14) and the second was the ground (3:17).

In verse 14 we sadly see that Cain expressed his distress only at the punishment  he received, not at the crime he had done.

In closing, How do you react when someone suggests that you have done something wrong?  Do you move to correct the mistake?  Or do you deny that you need to correct it?  After Cain's offering was rejected, God gave him the chance to right his wrong and try again.  God even encouraged him to do this again.  Cain refused and the rest of his life is an example of what happens to those who refuse to admit their mistakes.  The next time someone suggest that you are wrong, take an honest look at yourself and choose God's way instead of Cain's.

Happy faces line the hallways, Those whose lives have been redeemed
Broken homes that He has mended, Those from prison He has freed
Little children and the aged, hand in hand stand all aglow
Who were crippled, broken and ruined, clad in garments white as snow
Oh the King is coming, the King is coming
I just heard the trumpet sounding, and now His face I see
Oh, the King is coming, the King is coming
Praise God He's coming for me

Heavenly Father, help us that when we are wrong, let go of our pride, and fix the wrong that we have done.  Help us to be humble, that in doing so, others will see You in us.

"But He gives more grace.  Therefore He says: God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."
                                                                 James 4:6

May you have a God Filled and Spirit Led Life and May God's Richest Blessings Be With All Of You.

Yours In Christ

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