Friday, June 10, 2011

Bible Scripture Reading for Friday 10 June 2011

"Greetings Everyone in the Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ"

We have covered 61 chapters so far in the Book of Psalm.  In studying this Book it has uniquely enriched  my understanding of my relationship with our Abba Father.  I have found in studying this Book that the writers have openly shared doubts, fears, joys and triumphs.  

They express a deep sense of sin, and overwhelming relief for forgiveness, confidence and praise of those who are united by faith to the Lord.   Individual believers have turned to the Book of Psalm for Comfort and Inspiration.  Today's writing is for those who are going through storms of your life, for those who are having family or martial problems, financial problems, discouragement or fears.  It is my prayer that has you look at these areas in the Book of Psalms that you may find  Comfort and Encouragement and that the Holy Spirit will give you that Strength like an eagle to soar to Him and receive the blessings and comfort of our Abba Father.

When I was with a friend at lunch yesterday she said to me, "When I am having problems in my life, I run and hop on the lap of my Heavenly Father and lay my head on His chest with His strong , loving arms around me and listen to His heart beat that says "I Love You, I Love You".   Wow  what a statement of faith.

            "Where To Find Comfort And Encouragement From The Book Of Psalm" 

When you feel abandoned                                                                             Psalm 10
When Your World seems to be falling apart                                                Psalm 46
When you are afraid                                                                                      Psalm 23; 91
When you feel guilty                                                                                       Psalm 51
When your family gets on your nerves                                                         Psalm 127; 128
When you are facing a daunting challenge                                                   Psalm 27
When you feel discouraged by the apparent prosperity of the wicked       Psalm 37; 73
When you do not feel very thankful                                                              Psalm 107
When you feel as though God has forgotten you                                         Psalm 139
When you are tempted to lose faith in God                                                  Psalm 62
When you have lose your eternal perspective                                             Psalm 90
When you feel like you are barely hanging on                                              Psalm 86
When you are wondering what God expects                                                 Psalm 15
When you want to know God better                                                              Psalm 42; 63
When you need to be reminded of the Goodness of God                             Psalm 103
When you need to recommit yourself to serving God                                  Psalm 116
When you need wisdom                                                                                  Psalm 119
When you need a reminder of God's mercy                                                  Psalm 136
When you feel like celebrating                                                                      Psalm 95 thru 100

It is my prayer that each of you will be reading and getting to know Psalm 95 thru 100 as you celebrate and rejoice and sing praises to the Almighty God.  That you will indeed run an jump into the lap of our Abba Father and lay your head on His chest and feel His strong and loving arms around you and hear the beat of His heart as it pounds out in your ear "I LOVE YOU".

Your Sister in Christ

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